The many faces of Harrison and his blue tongue.
They both got a sucker and we were on our way. We stopped at Fresh market to grab a few things, and the nice lady at the deli counter informed me that they give of free cookies at the bakery if you ask. So, FYI to anyone with kids, free cookies at Fresh Market, all you have to do is ask. Suckers and cookies meant these two were in a grand mood, so we headed home for a mini photo shoot.
After naps, and an outfit change, we unloaded some boxes of hand-me-downs sent from our cousins in PA. In the box was a Bumbo they were sending back, so we had to break out the other Bumbo and now H and B have new seats. I remember at 6 months their chubby little legs wouldn't fit in there anymore, and now they're back to loving them.

The rest of our Friday was quite chill. Saturday morning we woke up and headed straight to the lake. Aunt Chrisser and Uncle JT were in town, so we went to visit with them and participate in the Hamilton Lake Poker Run. My sister's dogs came with them, and Harrison was instantly in love with Dozer. Dozer loves to play ball and is great about bring the ball back and dropping it at your feet, unlike our dogs who chase it and don't bring it back.

We got our drinks, poker cards, and supplies ready and headed out on the boat. We had a great time blowing bubbles, drinking margaritas, taking Jell-o shots, eating snacks, and just cruising on the lake. My pair of 7s was a pathetic hand, and not anywhere close to being a winner. A great time was had by all, and we finished off our morning/afternoon with a swim.

Poker stop #1 - Christmas in July

It started raining while we were swimming which was perfect because it was nap time. H and B had other plans however and refused to lay down. Even after I told them if they didn't lay down we would pack up and leave, the refused to lay down. So home we went. They both snoozed on the way home and then were in terrible moods the rest of the day. I was tired, they were tired, we were all over the day. We started baths an hour early, and were all in bed by 8pm.
Sunday is usually Daddy Day, but Daddy was headed to the Brickyard for work, so the kids and I were on our own. After breakfast we got dressed and headed out for a nice walk.

We snapped a few phone pics while we were out, and I happen to love the above picture. Brooke is cheesing it up, and it looks like Harrison is taking a poop in the roses. Toddlers are the best.

When we got back from our walk, the kids BFF and one of my BFFs stopped by for a little play time. Bubbles, snacks, and stories followed. Harrison is not in any of the pictures because he lost his cool over the bubbles and then went to play with his mower. Typical Harry.
Rob got home about an hour after the kids woke up from naps. In one of my best mom decisions ever, I decided we needed fries and ice cream for dinner. We went to BK so the kids could run around in the play place, and then we hit up the DQ drive through on our way home. Once the kids were in bed, Rob and I watched an episode of Top Gear to close out the evening. A blizzard and Top Gear are the perfect end to any evening as far as I'm concerned.
We are back to the grind, and back to the gym this week. After almost a month off thanks to Plantar Fasciitis, the kids and I are pretty excited to be back. I hope you all are having a great start to your week too.
We are back to the grind, and back to the gym this week. After almost a month off thanks to Plantar Fasciitis, the kids and I are pretty excited to be back. I hope you all are having a great start to your week too.