Another weekend has come and gone. And even though it's officially fall, it's still feeling like summer around these parts. Friday morning the kids and I went for a walk to the park first thing in the morning. They have been taking on new playground equipment almost every time we visit a park, and Friday was no different. They mastered the chain ladder steps and then we did slide trains. Over, and over, and over again. They would have stayed all day, but mean mommy ruined the fun and told them lunch and naps were a must.

We had to close up shop at the daycare that evening, and then met some of our favorite peeps for an impromptu Chipotle date. I'm pretty sure everyone at Chipotle thought we were crazy when we took over the patio. 5 tables, 9 adults, and 3 toddlers running around. That's how we roll. We ate, played, had ice cream, and stayed up past bedtime. It was a great start to the weekend.

Saturday was a no kids day almost all day. Kim and I did pedicures in the morning. I picked up Jimmy John's and had lunch with Lynn and the kids before they went down for naps. When they woke up, I was headed off to a wedding and they left for church with my parents.

Rob wound up having to work, so Saturday night was ladies night. A childhood friend from the lake was the bride, and she was beautiful. She planned a gorgeous wedding, and the venue couldn't be beat. Her sweet pup comes into daycare, and he was included in the reception even though he couldn't be there. So sweet!

Anyone who met me after high school knows me as Jenn or Jennifer. If you met me in my younger years, you probably call me Jenny. Since I don't hear Jenny too often anymore, I always love seeing or hearing my name that way. See the name card below.

When we left the reception we head to JK O'Donnell's for a night cap. Black Velvets on the patio in the warm fall air. It almost felt like my pre-child days. Kim happened to know that Brava's food truck usually parks at The Brass Rail on Saturday nights. Lucky for us they were there, and we got hot dogs and patatas bravas to end the evening. Saturday evening was a great reminder of how great Fort Wayne can be.I know a lot of people hate on the city, but with the right company and itinerary it can be quite fun.

See those lights on the top two floors of the building? That's were the wedding and reception were held.
Sunday was of course full of football watching. The kids and I made a coffee and grocery run in our pjs to grab a few things for lunch. The inlaws along with Rob's cousins and their son came over to watch the Steelers game. We ate taco salad and chili cheese chip dip. It was 80 degrees and our a/c is broken, so cooking anything on the stove or oven wasn't an option. Yay crockpot!
Short naps led to a rough afternoon and an early bedtime. This seems to be happening an awful lot lately. I'm hoping it's just a phase. We are definitely not ready to loose naps. Rob and I watched a few episodes of Californication to finish out the evening. I've seen the entire series, but I'm thoroughly enjoying rewatching it with him. The entire series is available with Prime right now, and I think the first season is up on Netflix.
Today is a very exciting day because my dad turns 67!! Right now he's spending time with H and B while I work. I hope they're treating him nicely on his birthday. Happy birthday, Pops!!