Our weekend started off with donuts, a shattered globe from our kitchen light fixture, and me breaking one of our kitchen chairs. Since donuts make everything better, it was still a good start to our Friday. Brooke and Harrison are both hit or miss when it comes to donuts, but heart shaped, filled donuts cover in sprinkles are apparently their jam.
After our morning trip to The Y, we made dough for cookies. When they woke up from naps we cut out the cookies, made icing, and decorated our cookies. I made the mistake of giving Harrison the sprinkles container. Half of the bottle got dumped on his first cookie, so instead of decorating, they got to eat a cookie and watch me decorate.
After they went to bed, I put out their Valentine's Day gifts and headed to bed early. That seems to be a trend for me lately.
Saturday morning they checked out their new Itty Bitty's before we headed to brunch. I asked them to show me their favorites. Harry picked out Darth Vader and C3PO, and Brooke grabbed Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Belle. We brunched with their Godmother at
The Friendly Fox. If you've never had their brunch, go. Like this Saturday. It's amazing. The kids shared the waffles and a couple plates of bacon, while I dug into a plate of garbage.
After Brooke's nap and Harrison's nap refusal, I dropped them off at my parents for the night. They had been excited to go to Grandma and PaPa's all week. Once they were settled, I met Robbie at work and we hit the road headed to Indy. The wind and blowing snow was crazy. When the wind picked up viability went from fine to zero in a matter of seconds. Part of the interstate was closed, and we passed a 20 car pile up on our way down.
We, along with along with one of Robbie's coworkers and his girlfriend, had VIP tickets to see Bush. The concert was at The Murat which is one of my favorite venues. Our seats were center front row, first balcony, and totally awesome. I have been a Bush fan since I was about 14, so I was uber excited for this concert.

Stars in Stereo and Theory of a Deadman opened for them. Both were ok, but neither were anything to write home about. Bush however, was AMAZING! Their energy was off the charts through the whole show. Gavin, who is almost 50!!!, didn't stop moving once during their set. During "Little Things" he ran through the entire theatre. The girl sitting directly behind me got to hug him(best day ever for her), and the people in the very back row even got to see him up close. It was pretty cool. Their encore started with "Machine Head," and you could feel the entire balcony shaking. It was awesome to experience. Definitely a top 5 concert experience, and I highly recommend seeing them if you ever have the chance.

Sunday morning I managed to sleep in until 8:30. Not quite what I was hoping for on a kid free morning, but at least it was an extra hour later than usual. Robbie and I grabbed brunch before picking up the kids from my parents. Brunch two days in a row qualifies this weekend for the best ever! The rest of our day was pretty chill around the house. Our friends came over for The Walking Dead. The kids BFF came over too and they ran around like crazies all night. They did stop long enough to eat dinner and have a couple cookies. I made
quiona chili that Amber shared on her blog last week, and it was a hit. All three kids ate it, and the adults enjoyed it too. Oh yeah, and it was super easy to make.
After everyone left, we watched a little of the SNL special until I fell asleep on the couch. It was a great weekend, and has left me really excited for summer concerts. I'm hoping we can find a time that works with our schedule to see Foo Fighters, and I'm 90% positive we'll be going to see Ed Sheeran. It's going to be a super cold week here, so dreaming about summer is keeping me going.
I hope all of you had a fun filled weekend with your Valentine's!