Fourth of July week at the lake. One of my favorite family traditions. Both of my sisters and their families came in for a visit. The kids and I packed the van to the gills, and off I went with 4 kids and 1 dog for a 9 day vaca at the lake. Rob didn't have the time off work, so he stayed at home with Jules.
Friday morning we started off with a trip south to check out a Minion silo that had been in the news recently. We made a pit stop to one of our favorite donut shops, and then we headed north for the lake. Friday was all about getting settled in, and then the real fun began.
Saturday my sister and brother in law ran in the 4th of July 5K. Harrison, Brooke, and my nephew, Charlie, got to run in the kid's race which was just a few hundred feet. That afternoon we took the kids to the annual 4th of July parade. The big kids loaded up on candy, and the babies freaked out over the loud sirens. That night was the town fireworks. We woke the babies up so we could all go, and headed out on the pontoon for a cruise and to watch the show. I think the babies were more interested in the fireworks than the big kids.

Sunday was spent swimming, cooking out, and boating. Sunday night was the night for fireworks on the lake. We started to do the sparklers and fountains we bought, but we quickly decided just to watch the shows going on across the lake. Our pier is a prime sopt for watching some of the best private fireworks shows on the lake. Sitting on the pier and watching fireworks with H and B is my absolute favorite thing about Independence Day weekend.
The rest of the week was spent doing much of the same. Swimming, cooking out, boating, not getting enough sleep. Robbie was able to come up and join us on his days off. One of the mornings he was there I even got a chance to ski. Yay!
The lake house is basically two rooms, so all of the beds are in a shared sleeping space. I didn't want the babies to fuss and keep anyone up at night, so it was pretty much a mom and baby sandwich all week long. They'd start in their pack and plays, and by 11 pm, we'd be snuggling the night away. Harrison and Brooke each got their own air mattress for the week, which they thought was great, even if they didn't exactly stay on the mattresses all the time.
One day we ventured back to The Fort to hit up the zoo. Another day we drove up to Michigan to visit with my aunt and uncle at their lake. We hit up the local ice cream shop for corn dogs and sundaes one afternoon. We tried to see hot air balloons at a local festival, but the weather kept them from taking off. Instead we ate festival food and the kids got to have some carnival style fun.
It was a great week that ended too soon. Getting to see Harrison, Brooke, and Charlie run around together for a whole week was worth every minute of lost sleep. Although I'm sure the baies might think differently. Scarlett and Clark were great all week considering how much we messed up their schedule. As long as their milk supply was close, they were game for just about anything.
We made it safely home Saturday afternoon just in time for a quick shower and the big kids to go see Finding Dory. We all had a major vacation hangover for a few days, but we're finally getting back into our usual daily groove. I know my kids and I will get to enjoy a couple more lake weekends here and there over the summer, but nothing beats morning skis, lake hair, sun tans, and living in swimsuits for a whole week, especially when it's done with family. I'm already looking forward to next year when Scarlett and Clark are able to enjoy it a little more. I love that my babies get to be lake babies just like I was. Until next year, HL.