"Five Seconds in the Life of Harrison"
Saturday morning was another hot mess, but Saturday after naps was amazing. We headed to Buskerfest to check out street performers and food trucks. We got to see mimes, dancers, musicians, and knife throwers. We didn't get to see as much as we hoped for, too many people and everything at street level, but the awesome company and fantastic food made it worth while.

This morning we headed to the zoo with daddy and a few of our favorite ladies. The kids, especially Brooke, are starting to test their boundaries, a lot. It made for an interesting morning. Every time we'd give B an inch of freedom, she'd run out of our sight. Even though we always take the stroller with us, I'm starting to consider breaking out the backpack leashes again.
We had a great morning even with two testy toddlers. The weather was perfect and we always love the zoo.
The kids woke up from naps asking for Frozen. About 30 minutes in Harrison lost his cool over his bubble mower that he knew was in the back yard. Once we remedied that situation, he lost his cool over ice water. A 10 minute tantrum over a glass of ice water. He wanted it. Didn't want it. Wanted the straw in. Wanted the straw out. Wanted the straw out, but didn't want me to take it out. He could only drink it if he was sitting in my lap. As frustrating as it in the the moment, it's hilarious to think about after the fact. We are officially in the ridiculous toddler phase.
The kids are sleeping, Rob's in the kitchen whipping up some desserts, and I'm sitting on the couch watching "What to Expect When You're Expecting," and working on the longest packing list in the history of man. The kids, Tyson and I are headed to the lake for the week on Tuesday. Rob has to work most of the week, we'll get him for a couple days, and Jules is headed to daycare for a few days. I'm so looking forward to this week, and seriously hoping that a week away from home isn't too much for H and B.
I hope you all had a great weekend, and that everyone has a great 4th of July weekend, or week if you're taking some vacation time like us.