Thursday, December 6, 2018

Penelope Jo - 1 Month

Our sweet baby girl turned 1 month old last week. I love that her birthday is on the 1st, it makes it really easy to know when all of her monthly "birthdays" are. She had her one month check up with the doctor this week, and she is a chunk! No surprise there. She is in the 96th percentile for weight, weighing in at 11lbs 14oz. She was down to almost 9lbs when we left the hospital, so she's gained almost 3lbs in a month. That nice oversupply that her twin siblings built up for her is going right to her waistline. She's grown 1/2" in length and is now up to 22".

In true newborn fashion, she sleeps all the time. We are starting to see a couple wake full periods, one early in the day and one right before bedtime. From 11am-5 or 6pm you can count on her sleeping and only waking to eat. I could use that time to be productive, but she likes to be held and I refuse to turn down newborn snuggles. Sometimes she and I will take a nap in our room while Scarlett and Clark nap, but usually we can be found curled up on the couch watching TV. Nighttime sleep has thankfully been really good. Yes she wakes up eat multiple times per night, but she is always right back to sleep. We're starting to see an 8pm bedtime emerging. Once she gets into a sound sleep, more on difficulties with that later, she'll sleep until anywhere from 1:30-3:30am. She nurses one or two more times after that initial middle of the night feeding and then she wakes up anywhere between 7:30 and 9:30 am.

We have a rock and play next to our bed that is supposed to be where she sleeps, but she doesn't sleep well in it. I always lay her down there to start the night, but she usually wakes up a few minutes later and then I let her sleep in our bed. We've done some variation of cosleeping with all of our kids, so we have experience in keeping a safe cosleeping environment. I would prefer that she sleep most of the night in her own space and only come into our bed for nursing, so if we can't get the rock and play to work, I may set up her crib next to our bed or try some type of bassinet.

Part of her issues with getting into a deep sleep stem from dietary issues. She is very gassy and is a "happy spitter." She is constantly spitting up, needs burped more frequently than any of my other kids, and seems to have some stomach issues. After dealing with milk/soy protein intolerance, MSPI, and acid reflux with Scarlett, I am very aware of what symptoms to be looking for. Spitting up, mucousy or bloody diapers, incurable diaper rash, excessive gas. Her symptoms are much milder than what we went through with Scarlett, but I noticed issues very early on. I cut all dairy and soy out of my diet a week ago, and I am already seeing positive changes. Her diaper rash, baby acne, musoucy diapers, and goopy eyes have all cleared up. I've noticed way less spit up in the last couple days. She actually wore the same outfit all day yesterday without soaking herself in spit up, so I'm hopeful that the spitting up continues to improve also.

Most of Penelope's awake time is spent being held by her brothers and sisters. Clark still isn't too keen on holding her, but the other three are always asking to hold their baby sister. She doesn't love tummy time, but will tolerate it for a few minutes. She does like laying on her play mat and staring at the Christmas tree or trying to turn her head to see the TV. Her favorite thing to look at is the windows in the living room. It doesn't matter whether the curtains are open or closed or whether it's night or day, she loves staring at the windows. She is also content to sit in either of her bouncy seats, which I utilize frequently when getting myself or the kids ready and when preparing food.

Penny is a generally happy baby, especially when she is sucking on her pacifier. She was so chill the first few weeks at home that Rob said he was constantly checking to make sure she was still breathing because we never heard her cry. She's now a bit more vocal when she's unhappy, but it's not uncommon for me to only hear her cry once in a day. She's still mostly oblivious to all of the crazy constantly going on around her, although she does startle when her siblings are being particularly loud. Even with one easy baby, I'm still exhausted all the time. I was exhausted before she was born , so I'm guessing it has more to do with the other 4 than it does her. Soon enough she'll be squealing along with her siblings and then I'm sure I'll be telling a different story, but for now easiest baby ever.

I refuse to wish away the time, but I'm excited to see what the next month has in store for her. I fully intend to snuggle the heck out of her in the meantime, because I newborns don't keep and the newborn phase is my absolute favorite.

1 comment:

  1. I’m loving those cheeks!! She is the cutest and sounds like a perfect addition to your family!
    Did you guys do follow up hearing tests after the initial hospital tests? Been thinking about you and Penelope since you first posted about it! :)
