Thursday, April 4, 2019

Penelope Jo - 5 Months

Our little chick is 5 months old! She proved time and time again this month how chill she really is. Her first road trip. 3 long days of being at work with me. Handling the time change like a boss. She truly is the easiest baby. (For the record I went back and read Scarlett and Clark's monthly update at this age, and I said the same thing about them. So this age is a pretty agreeable age for my kids, there's just only one of her. One baby is infinitely easier than two babies.)

She is still not a fan of the bottle, so anywhere I go, she goes. Hence her working her first part time job last week. It was exhausting for me to have her with me, but she was happy as could be to just hang out in her BECO while we watched 30 dogs each day.

I learned the hard way that she still can’t handle it if I eat too much dairy. After I ate a PZone she had an upset tummy and blood in her stool for a couple days. We also suffered through a few nights of terrible sleep as a result. No pizza for me anytime soon. We’ll also be holding off on dairy in her diet until she’s 7 or 8 months. She still nurses on demand every 2 or so hours depending on her naps.

Naps are still a mess with no rhyme or reason as to why any given nap is 30 minutes vs 3 hours. One day she’ll take 3 solid naps and the next day it’s 5 catnaps. Bedtime is consistently between 7-8pm. We started diffusing essential oils for her in our room at night, and that has helped tremendously with getting her to fall asleep in a timely manner. Sometimes she goes to sleep in her crib with no assistance from us and other nights I will rock her to sleep(a bad habit we picked up after I ate too much dairy and her stomach was in pain) before she’s out for the night. I enjoy rocking with her, but it’s much easier for everyone when she goes to sleep on her own. The biggest thing is she now gets to sleep within 20 minutes vs the 2 hour ordeal it had turned into. She usually sleeps until 3 or 4am before waking for milk and then she’s up for the day between 6:30-8am. 

Playtime is mostly on her play mat still. She loves it and is happy to stay there for long stretches of time. She is now rolling over from back to belly and belly to back, but she never stays far from her mat. She is grabbing onto her toys, usually just so she can move them to her mouth and chew on them. When she starts getting fussy on the floor she then ready to move into the Exersaucer. She is using it without any support which means its about time to get the Jumperoo out of the attic for her. She has figured out how to turn around in the Exersaucer and grab onto different toys, again so she can then put them in her mouth. Girl is constantly chewing on everything.

She is just the happiest baby. She loves giving out big smiles to everyone she sees. I am both wishing time would slow down and looking forward to her future. Everyday with her is bittersweet. Knowing it may be the last time we experience a first. We are loving every day with her and can't wait to see what the next month holds. Happy 5 Months, Penelope Jo!

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