Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Penelope Jo - 2 Months

December flew by and our baby girl is now 2 months old. She had a lot of firsts last month. First evening with a babysitter(Grandma), first time rolling over, first time sleeping through the night(9 hours), first real smile, first Christmas, first New Year, first pub visit, first time meeting her aunts, uncles, and cousins. She slept through most of it, although we are starting to see lots more awake time.

Sleep is of course top priority with a newborn, and we are really lucking out in that department. She still refuses to sleep in the rock and play at night, but she will happily take naps there. We are still swaddling and make use of the pacifier during naps. At bedtime she refuses the pacifier if I'm around, but will occasionally take it from dad, or one of her siblings. Usually the pacifier results in her fussing again after 2 minutes. I'm sure we could push the pacifier more, but at this point, why bother? She prefers snuggles and nursing, and I don't mind giving it to her. One of my favorite things is being curled up next to her and feeling her little feet wiggle around against my legs while she nurses. It's the sweetest thing and something I will always remember about cosleeping with her.

She doesn't have a set wake time and her naps are very sporadic. She's usually ready for a nap after an hour to hour and a half of awake time, but it's anyone's guess as to how long she'll stay asleep. Sometimes she'll only naps 20 minutes, and other times she'll nap 2 hours. We try to stick with an E.A.S.Y( eat, activity, sleep, your time) schedule, but sometimes it ends up being more E.A.E.S.Y or E.A.E.S.A.E.S.Y. Not enough sleeping, way more eating, you get the idea. Activity consists of laying on her play mat, chilling in the bouncy seat, or having face to face time with whoever is holding her. She's definitely becoming more interested in the stimulation her toys provide. She will happily chill in her bouncy seat while I make dinner most nights.

She had her two month checkup yesterday and is weighing in at 14 lbs, up just over 2 lbs from last month, and is 23" long. There is some minor concern about the growth plates in her head, which I'll share more about once we know what's going on. I personally think it will turn out to be nothing, but our pediatrician wants us to evaluate the situation further. She was diagnosed with oral thrush at her 1 month check up and I thought we had it cleared up, but apparently not all the way. So she's back on Nystatin again until we can clear the thrush. Thankfully it hasn't effected me at all. Overall she is a big, healthy baby.

She had her hearing test done this month, and as we suspected there is no cause for concern. She passed her test and they are attributing the failed test in the hospital to retained fluid in her ears. None of our other kids had that problem, but it is relatively common, especially in c-section babies.

After two months I am still asking myself if she is really the easiest baby ever or if I just think that because she's a singleton after two sets of twins. I still have no definitive answer to that question, but I have a feeling it's a little of both. Whatever the reason, she fits in perfectly with the rest of our crazies.

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