Thursday, April 30, 2015

365 Challenge - Week 17

The zoo opened on Saturday, and I was dying to take the kids. Walking two miles wasn't an option at that point, so we delayed our first visit and went yesterday. We had one of those days that you wish every day could be like. Zoo, Chipotle, 2 hour naps, Target, pizza for dinner, and ice cream for dessert. The kids were good, with the exception of Harrison's refusal to eat pizza, and we were all in bed be 8:30. No joke, I'm pretty sure I was asleep before them. Obviously not all days are like that. Not all days involve my favorite foods, Chipotle and ice cream, and lots of days involve a constant struggle with one or both children. 

One of my favorite things about warm weather is that it's easy to make the good days outnumber the frustrating ones. I'm not sure if everyone's kids are like this, but a trip to the park is the quickest way to turn a bad day into a good one. We all love the fresh air and sunshine, and most days they will kill a good hour or two at the park. If the park doesn't work, well, there's always ice cream.

4.23.2015 - future gymnast

4.24.2015 - almost time

4.25.2015 - mini photogs

4.26.2015 - working on her death glare

4.27.2015 - a pirate says

4.28.2015 - big time spinners

4.29.2015 - hold on tight

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